Monday, September 19, 2016

Parents Can Help Shape Up Their Child’s Physical Education:                                                                                                    

1. Get involved.  Parents can accomplish so much on behalf of their children by serving on committees to help choose a strong PE curriculum.
2. Become an active volunteer.  Organizing fund-raisers is a tremendous help in providing educators with the tools they need. 
3. Press for P.E.  The leading factor in getting children happily involved in physical education is by making it fun and by making it something that everyone can benefit from.
       Parents need to ensure that their children are getting the physical education they need from the schools. Parents Can Help Shape Up Their Child’s Physical Education. When parents are involved with their children's school and behavior, increased learning takes place.     
     For parent involvement programs to be successful, educators must play the key role in the link between home and school. Home activities should build basic physical skills without duplicating the teachers' efforts. We are looking forward to having a great year!!!

Mr. J. Brooks    (Twitter)-@MrJB_16     
     It is hard to believe that summer is over and school has started again. I am looking forward to having your child in physical education class this year. In order to have a safe and productive learning environment the school-wide discipline plan will be enforced. In addition students may have a time-out from an activity for misbehavior after the warning.
    Grade Policy in elementary physical education is based primarily on three areas: * Participation- Numerous time-out or infractions will affect grades, * Attitude and * Effort.
     If there is a time when your child can not participate due to injury or illness please send a note to the school. If longer that 3 days we must have a doctor’s excuse, otherwise it will be considered an unexcused absence. Please make sure that your child brings or wear proper shoes every day.  Also, if your child likes to wear dresses or skirts to school it is very helpful to have them wear shorts underneath.  Physical education not only teaches the psycho-motor domain but the cognitive and affective domains as well.     
    My goal is to have every student experience success. I do not stress competition but instead I stress that if you do your best then you are a winner. Good sportsmanship and teamwork are very important not only in the gym but in real life situations too. Good sportsmanship is always required in class!

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