October National Dental Hygiene Month
This October marks the month to increase public awareness about the importance of maintaining good oral health. The focus on Dental Hygiene is centered on the four components of good oral health maintenance: brushing teeth twice daily, flossing every day, rinsing with antimicrobial mouth rinse and chewing sugar-free gum. Dental hygienists are encouraged to remind patients to “Do the daily 4” and, during each dental office visit, start a conversation with them on how integrating good oral health-care habits into their daily routine will benefit not just their oral health, but also contribute to improved overall health. http://www.adha.org/national-dental-hygiene-month
Trick or Treat! The next time you see a skeleton this fall think of how many bones you have in your body (answer-206!)
Physical Education
Mr. J. Brooks (Twitter) @MrJB_16
Fire Prevention Month -fire departments designate the second week
of October as Fire Prevention Week. Help us sound the alarm that working smoke
alarms save lives. Did you know that many people don’t test their smoke alarms
as often as they should? When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. You need
working smoke alarms to give you time to get out. Test yours every month!
Children should know how to respond to the sound of a smoke alarm. Teach them
to get low and get out when they hear it. A child who is coached properly ahead
of time will have a better chance to be safe. Remind your child if on fire to:
Stop, Drop and Roll. Fire safety is successful when you have a plan and
practice! Practice!
good meal prior to parties and trick-or-treating will discourage youngsters
from filling up on Halloween treats. Consider purchasing non-food treats for
those who visit your home, such as coloring books or pens and pencils. Wait
until children are home to sort and check treats. Though tampering is rare, a
responsible adult should closely examine all treats and throw away any spoiled,
unwrapped or suspicious items.
Try to ration treats for the days following Halloween. Be safe!!
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